Build AI Dating App Coach: Private Large Language Model Server #6

In the “0145 Coding the delete thread functionality” video, the presenter illustrates the process of implementing the delete thread functionality within Xcode. The code is written within the thread list view controller, utilizing the thread manager to delete threads at specific indices. Additionally, a swipe-right gesture is introduced in the user interface to access a delete menu. A destructive-style delete action titled “Delete” is created, accompanied by Handler code to invoke the delete method at the designated index and alter the detection dot’s background color to red post-deletion. Furthermore, a trash icon is incorporated for the delete action within the table view, and the swipe action is configured for deletion. Upon testing the feature by deleting threads associated with Stephanie and Natalie, the presenter confirms its successful implementation.

In the “0150 Adding the thread details view controller” video, the instructor illustrates the process of coding to exhibit conversation details upon tapping a conversation in the list. Steps include renaming the View Controller file to Thread Details View Controller, introducing a thread variable to transmit the selected thread, and establishing a scroll view to exhibit messages and images. Adjustments to the text area, resizing it and aligning it correctly using constraints, are also demonstrated. Additionally, the instructor elaborates on linking the scroll view to the thread view, establishing a referencing outlet, and recommends experimenting with constraints to troubleshoot any potential issues. However, the task of adding messages to the scroll view is deferred to the subsequent lecture.

In the “0151 Presenting the thread details view controller” video, the instructor walks through loading conversation messages into the thread details view controller in Xcode. They emphasize the significance of presenting or pushing the view controller when a prototype cell is tapped. The instructor includes code to instantiate the thread details view controller and assigns the selected thread to it. Additionally, they set an identifier for the thread details view controller in the storyboard and demonstrate how to present it instead of pushing it onto a navigation controller. Viewers are encouraged to test the code and address any issues that arise. The subsequent step involves replacing the thread details view controller with a scroll view to load all messages within a thread, including text and images, which will be addressed in the next part of the video.