Build AI Dating App Coach: Private Large Language Model Server #4

In the video “0133 Writing code to add and delete threads,” the presenter illustrates the process of adding and removing threads within a previous project that involved saving and retrieving images. They introduce a function named “addThread” and a variable named “updatedThreads” to manage the threads. New threads are appended to “updatedThreads,” subsequently replacing the original “threads” variable. For thread deletion, a function called “deleteThread” is crafted, targeting threads based on specific indices and ensuring their existence before removal. The updated thread list is then saved locally by replacing the original variable. The presenter concludes by indicating plans to employ mocks for further demonstration in the subsequent part of the video.

In the “0140 Create the list of thread UI part 1” video, the presenter guides viewers through the creation of a “Thread List View Controller” class responsible for managing the thread list displayed in a table view. Beginning with the creation of a new Swift file named “Thread List View Controller,” inherited from UITableViewController, the speaker establishes essential components such as an outlet for the table view and an empty array named “mockThreads.” Subsequently, they delegate the table view’s data source and delegate to the view controller and override necessary methods to determine section and row counts. Additionally, a separate file named “threadCell” is introduced, housing a UITableViewCell subclass named “threadCell,” equipped with IBOutlets for the ribbon view and name label. A configure method is then crafted to facilitate the setting of ribbon color and name label text using the provided thread object. The presentation concludes with the configuration of the thread cell and the promise of further method additions, connections, and data incorporation in the upcoming segments.

In the “0141 Create the list of thread UI part 2” video, the developer progresses in constructing the thread user interface by addressing row deselection in the table view and presenting thread conversation specifics. They override the deselect row method, capture the selected thread, and introduce mock thread data. Subsequently, the presenter establishes connections between the table view controller and the thread list view controller, associating the thread color and person name labels with the thread cell. With all connections in place, the code executes seamlessly on a simulator, and the thread list view is rendered without errors. To ensure functionality, breakpoints are strategically placed, verifying the code’s effectiveness, with plans to incorporate thread conversation details in the subsequent phase.